
Premier brass band of the Salvation Army in the Netherlands Tuben

amis Professor of Low Brass, New England Conservatory, Lynn University Tuben

ammannati International solist Tuben

castaño Tuba teacher at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón & the... Tuben endorser

gourlay General Director of Pittsburgh's own River City Brass Tuben

howell Principal Tuba of the Cory Band Tuben

kunzer Professor of Tuba, Okalahoma State University Tuben

machado Professor at Professional School of Art of Mirandela and Professional... Tuben endorser

neish International Soloist Tuben

nicholson Principal BBb Tuba at the Cory Band Tuben

peacock Tuben

tindall Assistant Professor of Tuba and Euphonium Tuben

van echelpoel Tubaplayer of the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, Tuba Professor at the... Tuben

van echelpoel Tuba player at Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, professor at Koninklijk... Tuben

vasile Professor of Tuba. Principal Tuba at Orquesta Sinfonica Provincial de... Tuben

verleden Freelance tubist and teacher Tuben

watson Professor of Tuba and Euphonium, University of Kansas Tuben

太美男 マイスターブラス・アンサンブル奏者 Tuben

宗太郎 洗足学園音楽大学准教授... Tuben

寛仁 大阪音楽大学教授... Tuben

徹 国立音楽大学招聘教授 常葉短期大学音楽科客員教授... Tuben

潤 尚美ミュージックカレッジ専門学校非常勤講師... Tuben

祥一郎 東京音楽大学教授 昭和音楽大学客員教授... Tuben